Call for Papers


Conference on Financial Intermediation

May 5 - 8, 2024

The paper submission is closed.


Guidelines & Conditions

Each individual may only submit one paper (although they can be a co-author on other submitted papers). Authors will be notified about the acceptance of papers and the conference program around mid-January, 2024. There is no conference fee and there are no accommodation costs for the invited presenters, discussants and chairs, but participants must cover their own travel costs. Presenting PhD students and postdocs will be eligible for a travel grant to cover part of their costs.

Further Information

The academic programme starts Monday morning (May 6) and ends Wednesday (May 8) at noon. Preference will be given to participants who can stay for the whole duration of the conference. Participants should plan to arrive Sunday afternoon (May 5) and leave Wednesday afternoon (May 8). As paper sessions take place in the morning and late afternoon, there is ample time for discussion and collaboration during the conference days. The Study Center Gerzensee also offers the opportunity for participants to stay on after the conference for co-working.

The conference is committed to promoting high-quality diversity in the covered topics (including e.g. non-bank financial institutions, macro-finance, climate/green finance, household finance, and fintech), in the modelling techniques and data sets employed, and in the background of the participants (including institutional affiliation, gender, and nationality).

The Study Center Gerzensee (SCG) will generously sponsor accommodation costs and meals during the conference, with a contribution from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Other supporting institutions are the CEPR and the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI).