Conference Programme


Conference on Financial Intermediation

May 5 - 8, 2024

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Sunday, May 5, 2024


Welcome Drinks


Dinner 19:00

Monday, May 6, 2024

Session 1: Bank Funding

Chair: Pascal Towbin (Swiss National Bank)


The Make of Alert Depositors: How Payment and Interest Drive Deposit Dynamics

Xu Lu (University of Washington), Yang Song (University of Washington) and Yao Zeng (University of Pennsylvania)

Discussant: Camelia Minoiu (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)

10:00 –10:45

Distortive Effects of Deposit Insurance: Administrative Evidence from Deposit and Loan Accounts

Dominic Cucic (Danmarks Nationalbank), Rajkamal Iyer (Imperial College London, CEPR), Sotirios Kokas (University of Essex), Jose Luis Peydro (Imperial College London, CEPR) and Stefano Pica (Bank of Italy)

Discussant: Diana Bonfim (Banco de Portugal, ECB, Católica Lisbon)

Break 10:45 11:15


This presentation has been moved to the evening.

Lunch 12:15

Poster Session 1


Session 2: Financial Innovation

Chair: Charles Kahn (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)


The Disciplining Effect of Bank Supervision: Evidence from SupTech

Hans Degryse (KU Leuven), Cédric Huylebroek (KU Leuven) and Bernardus van Doornik (BIS)

Discussant: Matthew Plosser (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)


The Economics of “Buy Now, Pay Later”: A Merchant’s Perspective

Jan Keil (Humboldt University at Berlin), Tobias Berg (Goethe University Frankfurt), Valentin Burg (Humboldt University at Berlin) and Manju Puri (Duke University, NBER)

Discussant: Huan Tang (University of Pennsylvania)

From Session 1 on Bank Funding:


Corporate Runs and Credit Reallocation 

Elena Carletti (Bocconi University, Baffi Carefin, IGIER, CEPR), Filippo De Marco (Bocconi University, CEPR), Vasso Ioannidou (City University of London, CEPR), Enrico Sette (Bank of Italy, CEPR)

Discussant: Artashes Karapetyan (ESSEC Business School)

Dinner 19:15

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Session 3: Nonbank Financial Intermediation (BIS Session)

Chair: Sebastian Doerr (Bank for International Settlements)


Intermediary Frictions and the Corporate Credit Cycle: Evidence From CLOs

Quirin Fleckenstein (HEC Paris)

Discussant: Daniel Streitz (IWH Halle)

09:45 –10:30

Pension Liquidity Risk

Kristy Jansen (Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California), Sven Klingler (BI Norwegian Business School), Angelo Ranaldo (University of St. Gallen, SFI) and Patty Duijm (De Nederlandsche Bank)

Discussant: Wolf Wagner (Rotterdam School of Management, CEPR)

Break 10:30 –11:00


Keynote Speech 

Philipp Schnabl (New York University, CEPR & NBER)

Lunch 12:15

Poster Session 2


Session 4: Household Debt

Chair: Emilia Garcia Appendini (Norges Bank and University of Zurich)


Spatially Targeted LTV Policies and Collateral Values

Chun-Che Chi (Academia Sinica), Cameron LaPoint (Yale School of Management) and Ming-Jen Lin (National Taiwan University)

Discussant: Nicola Pavanini (Tilburg University)


Household Debt Relief and the Debt Laffer Curve

Gyozo Gyongyosi (Utrecht University) and Emil Verner (MIT Sloan)

Discussant: Brittany Lewis (Washington University St. Louis)

Dinner 19:00

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Session 5: Bank Lending

Chair: Lena Tonzer (OvGU Magdeburg, IWH Halle) 


Specialized Lending when Big Data Hardens Soft Information

Zhiguo He (University of Chicago), Jing Huang (Texas A&M University) and Cecilia Parlatore (New York University)

Discussant: David Martinez-Miera (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

10:00 –10:45

Banking on Deposit Relationships: Implications for Hold-Up Problems in the Loan Market

Jin Cao (Norges Bank, CESifo), Emilia Garcia-Appendini (Norges Bank, University of Zurich) and Cédric Huylebroek (Norges Bank, KU Leuven)

Discussant: Glenn Schepens (European Central Bank)

Break 10:45 –11:15


A New Theory of Credit Lines (With Evidence)

Jason R. Donaldson (University of Southern California),  Naz Koont (Columbia University), Giorgia Piacentino (University of Southern California) and Victoria Vanasco (CREI)

Discussant: Florian Heider (Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE, Goethe University Frankfurt)

Lunch 12:15